Custom Molding With a Personal Touch

An Employee Owned Company

Grant funded company-wide 5S training


For the second year in a row, 21st CPC was pleased to receive a Skilled Trades Training Fund Award through the State of Michigan.  The STTF grant totaling $38,281.00 worth of training funds was awarded through Capital Area Michigan Works! 

The grant funding was used for a variety of employee training, including company-wide 5S training in which 100% of our employees participated.  

5S is a workplace organization method developed by the Japanese which is described using five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Translated they all start with the letter "S": 1) Sort, 2) Set in Order, 3) Shine, 4) Standardize, and 5) Sustain. In some cases, 5S has become 6S, the sixth element being safety.  It is all about organizing work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and properly storing items. Things are looking good around here!

Other training that utilized grant money included Lock Out Tag Out, Paulsen process training, and website development training for specific individuals. 

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